2. The Commencement (Sandakphu Trek)

It was a random plan to move out to the heart of mountains for a week, taking a break from 
pollution and those stagnant coinages. This urge has ever been subjective , this rhetoric has shaken me by core. Being in a so called society every time its about getting aware of things and reacting to your conscience.I can not expect people to understand what I have stood for myself and how have I carried those instincts in this unbalanced being.
       No matter what always you are subjected to your duties and its not always like that, it is more of following some sect norms.Like astronauts transmits through gravity, I overcame my gravity , I know it sounds very funny but damn true.
      Every second you are told not to do this and not to take this, but why not. Who am I, I have made that identity, nobody should make such remarks even not parents.Its true I am writing this sitting to a digital screen but does it minimize anything or even maximize. My heart is in nature and it will remain their for the rest of myself. To me measurement is very regressive and it never counts to our existence. Yesterday my friend reminded me of Karma, so we are all predetermined in minds and acceptable in terms of consequences. And does it cost our present always , no I don't believe so. 
To be Continued 

1.Solo journey to the land of poisons (Sandakphu Trek)

The land of poison which was coined in Greek as "Sandakphu" and the most interesting fact about this that in 1882 Dr Hooker a British botanist discovered this path to the heaven , sorry I think its more beautiful than any unseen heaven. Lately Bengal's highest point is in Greek, the legend ultimately crossed the Mediterranean and set in the Himalayas. Though he named it for all the medicinal and poisonous plants around it but the car off loaders recently for few years destructing those predetermined pillars on which Sandakphu must stand for further years to inspire new explorers who will seek refuge into it. 
Previously I did hiking only once , but I was desperate to find this natural identity by myself, I wanted to breathe with those pines, I wanted to bloom with those rhododendrons but in solitude. On the way I knew many unnoticed facts about this hideaway from my guide Gazen Mukhia (9775812784). He never hesitated to tell me and I became an amateur of Himalayas within some seconds .